Since day one, Fat Tire has blazed a trail on climate action.
When brewing the first batch, our founder rigged up a trash can and copper pipe to capture and reuse wasted heat to reduce energy. In the ‘90s, we pioneered wind power with our utility. In the 2000s, we installed onsite renewables, like solar and biogas capture. And that’s just the start.
Along the way, we’ve linked arms with others—funding climate-resilient barley research, sharing our climate playbook with the world free of charge, donating over $17 million to nonprofits working on the front lines of the climate movement and mobilizing a growing coalition of beer drinkers to get involved.
But there’s always more to do, and every day we look for new ways to chip our footprint closer to zero, while we continue to fight for necessary and sweeping systemic change.
As climate change disrupts the very ingredients our beer is made of—water and crops—we will continue working to protect the health of our planet and ensure that beer, not to mention staples like rice and coffee, remains affordable and plentiful for all.